Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dennis Fritz 1982

I met Dennis in November 1982, one month before the murder. I was living in Edmond and met him at a club on I-35 after he and another coach had scouted a football game. We dated several times in that month. I was quite shocked when I heard of the crime he was accused. I found Dennis to be a very nice, gentle soft spoken man. Even though I had not known him long, I found it impossible to believe he had committed the crime. I have followed his life and accquital thru the years and I just wanted to tell Dennis how proud I am that he has turned this tragedy around and is now helping others in the same situation. It must be very hard not to be bitter. I know his faith in God has sustained hm thru it all. God Bless you, Dennis....I just wanted anyone who has contact with him to please pass on my best wishes.

Debbie (Huff)